RIGHTech Fabrications

About RIGHTech Fabrications

RIGHTech Fabrications is your resource for high quality anodizing and plating equipment. We are the industry leader in the design and fabrication of racks, baskets, and coils for metal finishers. With 40-plus years of experience, we understand your specific anodizing and plating challenges and build in the answers that will make your operation more effective.

RIGHTech Fabrications, a new name for an established and trusted friend in the metal finishing industry, has been synonymous with innovative design and fabrication in titanium and other corrosion resistant materials for over 45 years. Discover what anodizers, platers, galvanizers and OEMs around the world already know.

RIGHTech Fabrications
Toll Free 888-922-0052
Illinois 847-313-4870
Fax 847-272-4695